Why do you need to apply e-Learning training in your company?(Learning Management)
the e-Learning has crossed borders and no longer seeks essentially revolutionize education except for seeks to innovate the corporate level and especially the training of employees. For this reason, at IEBS we are committed to this methodology, to offer the best practices through innovative learning that moves from customary and conventional methods. Since just thusly, an education 100% adapted to current times can be offered.
As a result of this, companies have begun to bet on e-Learning for the training of their workers due to the advantages it brings to the association: lower cost than conventional; more flexible hours and without the need to travel; more unique, entertaining and viable for professionals and with a methodology that permits easy execution on account of the Internet.
However, in spite of the fact that the emergence of business e-Learning is unstoppable, we believe that companies actually have to pick up experience in its application. To date, there has not been invested in quality online training and a substitute for what it really must be has been being delivered, just by posting old corporate training documents on the Internet or leaving conventional training aside immediately.
This is the reason the IEBS pedagogical model focuses on the student and their learning experience. We need to keep away from the exemplary model centered on the teacher, the content and the exams, with content prepared and updated by the teachers themselves, considered experts in their sector, just as 100% viable learning.
Also, e-Learning does not have to collide with other training and it is necessary to assess when to apply one model or another or when to combine them to achieve the main thing that needs to matter: quality training for workers that meets their needs and competencies .
What is business e-Learning?
Corporate associations tend to take care of the selection and recruiting of workers, they seek to have the best professionals on their staff; however, they often neglect the training of their employees. A goal-oriented organization will consistently need its workers to continue developing their abilities, to be more effective or to know their capacities better. That is what is the issue here, integrating human resources management with knowledge management.
In recent decades, large companies gave expert seminars, which cost them large measures of money, with conventional classes that didn't motivate workers and that ended up exhausting rather than training.
Was there an answer? Yes, the answer was in e-Learning. An online educational method that reduces costs, permits the training process to be analyzed and quantified, to be instructed with the most innovative methods and devices and, so, is to bet on training that corresponds to current times: modern, computerized and effective.(Instructor Led)
It is here where IEBS saw the need to create IEBS In Company - Training for Companies , a learning model that is focused on the most modern management techniques and that are transforming society, professional activities and associations.
Because at IEBS we believe that human resources is the main piece of an organization, therefore it is essential to have a motivated, dedicated and updated team. Just in this manner can the success of an organization be guaranteed.
Recommendations to apply e-Learning in the corporate sphere
The objective is for the student to learn all alone and all alone, that is, they are dreary. The problem is that with this type of training plan, both the completion rate and the student's commitment are low.
They inspire the employee and inform him of new trends, techniques or instruments. They are well known because they motivate the employee "edutainment" and have the advantage of being minimal effort and permitting their conveyance over the network without the need for anyone to travel, as on account of an exemplary face-to-face seminar.
They require commitment and time from employees however their results are excellent. They permit to teach the employee a competition or train an ability. It is a type of training that is based on practice and perseverance.
This format was created to keep employees state-of-the-art on trends, for example, instructional exercises and guides for the use of apparatuses, techniques and software. It would seem that the previous one however there is no interaction with the teacher. They are characterized because they are short video courses and instructional exercises, "microlearning", which seek to help the worker solve a problem immediately.
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They are massive open and free courses. These types of courses have numerous applications in companies and more and more are developing MOOCs to prepare their employees or communicate key values ??and competencies.
It is a format that permits to extract the knowledge of an association, document it and train large volumes of employees at a very minimal effort.
At IEBS we additionally bet on MOOCs as a learning method, for example, the most prominent of e-Sports , a trend that is the order of the day.
They are as yet under development despite the fact that it will permit to increase quality and reduce costs through man-made brainpower and computerization.
It is an evolution of the self-training model. The content adjusts consequently to the pace, limit and progress of the student naturally through Machine Learning.
A leader in security arrangements, it developed an online training project for 18,000 of its 300,000 employees. Its objective? Integrate and coordinate correspondence and training on different subjects, for example, market segmentation, development in security or office mechanization apparatuses. An e-Learning training that facilitates the transfer of what has been learned to the work and the professional development of the worker.
The main telecommunications worldwide in Europe and the fifth on the planet. 120,000 employees; practically countless partners and teammates. 400 million users. So, numbers that scare.
It was evident that they needed the strategic possibilities offered by a platform, for example, e-Learning to manage the association, share the way of thinking and contribute to the training and professional development of each worker.
Since 2005, e-Learning projects began with the Telephone Education Digital initiative, likewise called Telephone Learning Services, aimed at online training for large enterprises and public organizations. It closes each year with more than 1,000,000 registrations and becomes the third organization on the planet with the highest educational investment in online training and learning.(Educational development)